A story behind John, a guitar, and the flannel shirt.

The flannel shirts John wore were simple, inexpensive, warm and quite colorful - some were probably even hand-me-downs from his older brothers. For John, being comfortable and presentable took priority over spending money to follow the latest fashions, but he found that he still looked good in the flannel shirts. They helped him to feel confident in his appearance, despite not having a wealth of material goods.
John grew up in a lower middle-class family, the middle of five boys. He bought his very first guitar with his paper route money at the young age of 11. He bought the guitar on layaway at Sears - the same place he bought the flannel shirts. His single mother of five drove him there and co-signed for her son to buy the guitar. He paid off the layaway over time and brought his first guitar home.
That boy that grew up with such humble beginnings has blessed us with so many wonderful stories through his music, while never forgetting where he came from. The flannel shirt is one example of how John has remained true to himself to this very day and being true to himself never goes out of style.